Thursday, May 21, 2009

Who'd be a single girl?

The worst thing about being a single girl is having to make all the decisions by yourself for yourself!! I wish I had a crystal ball right now.

Heres' the short end of the story: For 15 months I've been secconded into another job in the same company and I LOVE the job, LOVE the people I work with. In fact I dont want to go back to my old job in September!

However our company has restructured and the new job is available in Wellington. Not where I live!! Boohooooo I love living in Palmerston North.

Questions, questions, questions

Do I have stressful job - pressure to sell products, make revenue, daily meetings to push sales, constant reviews, more training, stressed out colleagues, everythings changed since I left and I have so much training to catch up on ........................BUT then I spend the nights sewing, being with friends, driving 5 minutes to anywhere in town, 45 minutes to 2 hours to family, my clubs, sewing days, rent at $200 for 2 bedrooms, nice quiet neighbourhood etc etc....

Do I have less stressful job - fun helpful colleagues, working in a team, no pressure, lots of compliments, great environment and I feel confident! I guess there will be quilting clubs down there,............. BUT the traffic is incredible, long drives to whereever I may live - will I feel as safe down there, no friends, no clubs, more expense travelling and rent no doubt, and 2 hours to 4 hours from family....

What to do, What to do? I guess I have to apply first and see if I get a job down there?? Can always find out what the wages will be. That may be a help. I don't have to make this decision overnight but soon

but BUT BUT??????????????

Where is Mr Wonderful who'd give me a hug and tell me what to do and come with me and make it so much easier????? He's not in my cupboard where he should be!


Chris H said...

Only you can make this decision Karen.. and you should go with your gut feeling... whatever that may be.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Karen,

What a dilemma!

I would list all the pros and cons of each job/City.
See what is going to be the best for you and to make you happy.
I am sure that you will find quilting groups in Wellington but it will be hard to leave all the friends you have made in Palmerston North.

I wish for the very best for you Karen whatever you choose.

Have a good weekend