Sunday, August 12, 2012

Recently I went to the Wellington Antiques and Collectables fair.  I knew my "Button Art' friend would be there but I spent over an hour looking at the displays and stalls at things from my childhood or my grandmother's house.  The Willow pattern was beautiful.  I remember how much I loved it when I was a teenager.  I put a set of it on layby in 1972 when I started working and I paid it off every week.  I don't have any of it left now because I've moved several times with Husbands 1 and 2.  And now I can't enter any more photos.  See my previous post.


June said...

Sorry Karen I missed your previous post - this is exactly what I went through - you just have to downsize your photos to a maximum of 800 x 800. I understand deleting from the Picasa album doesn't help and I was sure I wasn't going to pay for storage when no-one told me before I started that I had a limited amount. We can talk about it on the way to Pinestream later in the month, or call round and I'll show you what I do.

stufenzumgericht said...

This looks pretty interesting ;-) Hope, you're fine? Hugs, Martina