Monday, January 12, 2009

Another one bites the Dust..maybe

Don't look like much now does it. I found yet another UFO in my spare room so my mission this week is to get it completed. All the ajoining sashings have been cut and pinned ready to be sewn so it's all ready to go. WATCH THIS SPACE! I found this blog of Quilt Studio Slob. What a collection of fabrics etc...obviously built up over a long time. I guess I don't feel quite so bad (but bad enough) about my mess. At last I found a lowboy today in good condition at the secondhand shop at my price!! So it is being delivered tomorrow night and I can tidy up my fabrics and fill the drawers. Hopefully then I will have some shelves to put in my bedroom for my quilting mags and my spare room/sewing room will have so much more room. I'd like a tallboy next! .... oh with lots of drawers too hehehe.
My friend has cancer. The surgeon was to see who today about treatment. Fancy feeling tired over Christmas and next thing your lungs have collapsed and you're fighting for your life. So fit, so young at heart but scary too.
I've had two messages from the Surgeon wanting to discuss when I will have my colonoscopy and I've rung them back with my mobile number for him but still waiting. I guess no news is good news though.

My time on the net is up. Now to get this UFO on the way. Night all. (and morning girls across the globe).

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